February conventions . . .

Next month I’m going to two toy-related conventions, one solely for fun and one for work (though there will also be some fun involved).

On the 7th Gina and I are going to the Great Texas G.I. Joe Show. From the site — and online reports of previous years — it sounds as if this show is mainly focused on 12-inch Joes. Even if we don’t find anything cool it should be a fun day trip.

On the 14th, Gina and I fly out to New York for the New York Toy Fair. I’ve got several meetings planned and, with luck, we’ll get in some tourist time. Unfortunately, I wasn’t smart enough to plan for an extra day in New York, so any tourist fun will have to take place around show hours. One place I definitely want to hit is the Kidrobot Store.

And that’s it for February conventions. I don’t think I’ve got another con scheduled until April (in Vegas, and again a work-related trip).

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