Figma Guts Black Soldier Now at Big Bad Toy Store

I know it has been a while since I’ve pointed you guys at Figma series toys ( search*) . . . I blame the long office hours for my lack of lots of fun updates to And I wish I could promise things will change, but in a week I go on another trip and we all know how those usually work out.

Anyway, the Guts figure that I pre-ordered (first mentioned here) is now over at Big Bad Toy Store and mine is just waiting for me to click “ship.” I think I’ll let the “Pile of Loot” orders collect for another week and then set the toys to ship; then they should arrive when I get back from PAX East.

Man, this toy looks sweet.

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2 thoughts on “Figma Guts Black Soldier Now at Big Bad Toy Store

  1. Wow, how the heck did I miss this? Added to my POL – can’t wait to have this guy on my desk. Still kicking myself for missing Roger from Big O…I definitely need to keep a closer eye on these things. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I ended up grabbing him off ebay once they shipped in Japan. Really spiffy figure, bigger than a standard Figma and rightfully so. I wish he had just a tad more range in the arms and his cape is a little weird, like an old vacuum bag, but I dig him all the same.

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