Five Reasons I Back Kickstarter Projects

Kickstartercontinues to change the way creative projects are brought to life. Where once the gatekeepers determined what came to life — retailers, distributors, publishers — it’s now the everyman and woman on the web who votes — with dollars! — for which projects are taken from an idea to a finished product. Many Kickstarter backers seem to see the site as some giant catalog of fun, but I feel it’s best if we all look at Kickstarter as modern patronage and see this as our opportunity to support and encourage creatives.

With that in mind, and because I have pointed at so many different Kickstarter projects over the last few years, I thought I’d present five reasons why I back Kickstarter projects. Please check these out, and then don’t forget to leave a comment letting us know your own thoughts on crowdfunding.
1. I Want the Thing Being Created
This is the most basic reason to support a project. The Republique game for the iPad is one where I watched the video, read about what was being made, and decided just to go for it. Many of the projects I have backed on Kickstarter fell into this camp and the results have been as varied as goodies I’ve bought in stores or ordered online: some has been awesome, some has been okay, and some has been kinda disappointing.

2. I Believe in the Creator
This happens when I either personally know the creator or when it’s an established creator seeking to do something new. The Larry Elmore artbook is a fantastic example of knowing of — and respecting! — a creator’s work and backing the project for that reason.
3. I Want to Encourage the Creator
There are some projects from complete unknowns that I feel look interesting enough that my support is all about providing encouragement. I usually just kick in a buck or two for these projects — like the Z Minus project for a kid to make a film — and it really is all about trying to help someone bring their project to life.

4. I Truly Want to Sponsor the Project
Every now and then something comes along that catches my attention and makes me want to be a real sponsor of the project. Futuredaze, for example, I went in on at the highest level possible because I wanted to support the idea of creating new YA fiction. There aren’t a lot of these projects for me — if I was wealthy there would be, but the realities of life prevent me from heavily supporting everything I’d like to — but when a project truly speaks to me then I dive right in.
5. I Just Can’t Help Myself
And then there are the impulse projects, the ones that grab me by the soul and demand that I get in there and help out. The currently running “Puffed Shoggoths” project, for example, is one where the entire concept demanded I be involved. There aren’t a lot of these projects, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to sometimes being influenced by my own impulsive nature.
Whatever Your Reasons, Please Support Creators
Now I know my reasons are not your reasons, but no matter what leads you to helping out always remember that Kickstarter projects are mostly about the people and your pledge could spell the difference between someone bringing their dream to life or watching it crash and burn. With over 100 projects under my belt I could sit back and say I have done my part to support creatives, but as long as cool projects keep popping up I’ll keep getting as involved as I am able to.
It makes me feel good to help creatives and I’m hoping that if you’ve never before tried Kickstarter that you’ll take a look at the site and consider backing a project or two. Remember, that pledge could really change someone’s life . . . and not just your own.
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