“Fulfill Your Destiny!” in 1988
February, 1988. Dragon magazine offers up this fabulous advertisement for the West End Games Star Wars roleplaying game (Amazon.com search*) and these three products alone were enough to make the work WEG did with Star Wars unforgettable. The roleplaying game and sourcebook were the best, but even that Star Warriors starship combat game was a blast. There have been many Star Wars games since this ad ran, but it’s hard for me to call any of them better than that 1987 Star Wars RPG by West End Games. Such a masterpiece and produced at exactly the right time!

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- The genius of D6 (and why you should try it) (stuffershack.com)
- West End Games’ Star Wars RPG in 1988 (battlegrip.com)
- “Celebrate a Decade of Star Wars” in 1988 (battlegrip.com)
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