Fun at BGGCon

Yesterday was the first day of the show which meant I met Jimmie and Randy at our exhibit space at 10 am and we jumped into setup. An hour later we were all set (right about the time Will showed up) so we spent the next hour getting familiar with our surroundings.

So far I’ve played a few games, the most fun of which was a stacked box game where players drop cubes into a tower and then listen to where the cubes land. It’s a murder game and each cube is a clue for your color; you don’t want your cubes to be on the same floors as the murdered victims.

I ended the day with an awesome jalapeno calzone that was stuffed with some of the hottest peppers I’ve eaten. And then it was a pass through the con and back to the hotel room to get some work done.

Oh yeah, that desk is my new laptop desk built by Geek Chic (website, Twitter). I placed the order back in March (at PAX East) and they just brought it to the show for me. I told them to display it until I leave Sunday. This is a double-wide version of their GM’s Valet that they built special for me; and they’ve already got people asking about this larger version.

I should take a shot of the original and this special side-by-side.

Now it’s time to prepare for the second day of the show.