G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures and Vehicles at ToysRUs
Announced way back in February of this year (first pics posted here) the G.I. Joe 50th anniversary line has now hit retail, appearing at ToysRUs where we can only hope that it sells well. On Saturday I first ran across a few of the toys at a New Orleans ToysRUs, and then on Sunday I snapped these pics while at a Houston ToysRUs.

Both locations seemed to be fairly well stocked, with the action figure and vehicle sets available and all set for collectors to grab for themselves. Either these are just starting to hit or the fears of some collectors — as discussed in this hisstank.com thread — just aren’t coming true.

In addition to the sets now at ToysRUs I see that Big Bad Toy Store is also stocked quite nicely, so between the two locations anyone who wants these toys should have no troubles finding them. Maybe Hasbro was right in choosing the 50th anniversary year as the time to retire the line until they can do something new and exciting with it.

Related articles
- Where is our “G.I. Joe Day” holiday? (battlegrip.com)
- Review – Acid Rain Speeder MKII (Sand) (battlegrip.com)
- Hasbro – G.I. Joe: Danger at the Docks (thefwoosh.com)