G.I. Joe Adventure Team Headquarters in 1974
Today’s agenda includes snapping photos of the G.I. Joe Adventure Team Headquarters for my newest book. The seventies had some massive and amazing playsets that collapsed down into cases, and the most challenging part of photographing those cases is the size of the toys. Giant!!! Seriously, when a toy gets so big that I need to take it out into the sunlight for pics then it is one hell of a big toy.
While I wait for the sun to rise, I dig into the Google newspaper archives where I find this 1974 newspaper ad for the Adventure Team Headquarters. And look, kids, it’s also the Big Jim Sky Commander on sale! For more of the Sky Commander carrying case and playset check out these sample book pages I posted on Flickr. I’ll go back to other work now as I wait for the sun . . . come on, sun!

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- G.I. Joe Elite Brigade “Hover Pod” for 12-Inch Scale Action Figures (battlegrip.com)
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