“G.I. Joe Meets the Amazing Atomic Man!”
Posted to the web back in 2011, this 1975 advertisement for Hasbro’s G.I. Joe Adventure Team introduces the new character, Mike Power, otherwise known as the Atomic Man, and shows that Hasbro was totally willing to chase after fads in an effort to keep the G.I. Joe Adventure Team sales strong. And why wouldn’t they? Their entire business then — and now — is about making money, and if the kids want a “bionic man” then the kids are gonna get exactly that.
Now: Who has the story where Steve Austin and Mike Power fight it out? That has to be a thing, right?

Related articles
- Affiliate Link – G.I. Joe Adventure Team: Mystery of the Sunken Tomb (battlegrip.com)
- G.I. Joe Adventure Team Advertisement from 1973 (battlegrip.com)
- Hasbro’s Super Joe (battlegrip.com)