G.I. Joe: Tales from the Cobra Wars
While out checking for comics today I came across a new short story collection, G.I. Joe: Tales From The Cobra Wars*, edited by Max Brooks. As Gina drove us home I read the first story, Snake Eyes by Chuck Dixon, and can immediately say that I’m looking forward to the rest of the book.

After reading the story it’s tough to accept that this is Dixon’s first prose work, but damn the man can write a good G.I. Joe short story. The Baroness kidnaps a mathematician/economist and it’s up to Snake Eyes to find and rescue the man. The story stretches from a convention to a mountaintop hideaway, and Snake Eyes proves that he’s a seriously dangerous ninja warrior. And Dixon’s writing is slick and fun:
With his Uzi in one fist and a long-slide custom 1911 automatic in the other, he trotted toward the open platform where the six-seat car waited. Six men, professionals all, leapt from their positions with automatic rifles and shotguns drawn up toward him. Seconds later he stepped over their bodies and boarded the cable car.
So far, as I mentioned, I’ve just read the first story but it was enough that I’m ready to recommend this to any G.I. Joe fan looking for some new stories. I’ll definitely be reading at least the next story in the book before I go to sleep tonight.
Wow, thanks for the post, I love G.I. Joe, I’ll have to look for this