G.I. Joe Zombie Viper at NYCC

The Zombie Viper really caught my attention at SDCC (SDCC pics here) and as I was walking the Hasbro booth at NYCC there he was again . . . and in a different pose without the arm attachment! I know that the instant I see this guy in stores I’m gonna get one, and now I wanna create a Geek Box-like display (see my Geek Box pics) and build a wall-hangable diorama with lots of Zombie Vipers.

Visit Flickr!

You can see my latest Zombie Viper photos in this Flickr set, and if you’re like the guys I overheard at NYCC and absolutely hate the Zombie Viper then feel free to give me a shout when you spot one; I want at least one and maybe an army of these guys.

2 thoughts on “G.I. Joe Zombie Viper at NYCC

  1. man I might get 2-3 of these guys they pretty awesome! also can not wait til the new sgt stalker comes out!

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