Gentle Giant 12-inch Scale R2-D2 Statue
Gentle Giant is releasing this deluxe 1/6 scale R2-D2 statue early next year, and this thing’s definitely blurring the lines between 12-inch scale statue and 12-inch scale action figure.

I don’t own any of the Gentle Giant Star Wars statues, but several of their releases have caught my eye and been quite tempting. This Boba Fett and Carbonite Maquette*, for example, continues to make me think it would look awesome at home. Christmas, maybe?

Source: Several places, including ActionFigurePics and Action Figure XPress.
If you’ve never taken a look at the Gentle Giant selection, and you like statues and high-end collectibles, you should take a few minutes to look through their website.
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
I don’t really collect statues, but that Boba Fett one there tempts me like crazy…
I love the animated style of that Boba Fett statue.