Get Luke, Obi-Wan, and the Droids from Entertainment Earth

I’ve seen this Star Wars action figure set at a few stores lately, but not at the price that Entertainment Earth* is selling it for now. (Of course, after shipping you’re still gonna be back at the prices in Wal-Mart/Target, so ordering online only makes sense if you add it to part of a larger order.)

Click to visit Entertainment Earth.
Click to visit Entertainment Earth.

“Do you need the most awesome stars from Star Wars in your toy box? The answer is yes.”

“With the Star Wars Training on the Millennium Falcon Battle Pack, you’ll get Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Obi-Wan Kenobi with tons of gear. Luke includes a training helmet, and there are plenty of pieces of breathing apparatus, some cargo, and lightsabers, too! C-3PO has articulated knees, R2-D2 has a pop-up scope, and Luke and Obi-Wan have the Force on their side. Bring them home for the holidays!”

“And don’t forget that this item is eligible for FREE SHIPPING through November 20, 2009!”

Available now at Entertainment Earth.

* Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.