Get Ready for Bad Cartoons on DVD! reports:

“Shout! Factory has signed a multiyear agreement with toymaker Hasbro to bring to DVD several animated properties based on the company’s toy lines. The deal includes episodes of 1980s animated series “The Transformers” and “G.I. Joe.,” as well as the direct-to-DVD animated movie My Little Pony: Twinkle Wish Adventure.”

Gina and I have been watching older Transformers episodes in the mornings during our workout routine and I’m confident when I saw that these older cartoons, while fun, aren’t very good. Still, I’ve no doubt that these new DVD collections will sell out just as fast as the older ones (from about seven years ago or so) did. has larger photos of the packaging.

1 thought on “Get Ready for Bad Cartoons on DVD!

  1. I’ll have to agree that Transformers is not that great. I got some pretty good bootleg box set from ebay, which for the price I am very happy to have, but have probably only watched about ten episodes.
    Now G.I. Joe is another story. I still very much like that show and am very excited that they’ll be back in big box stores.

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