Glyos System Fan Sites

I haven’t exactly made it a secret that I’m loving the Glyos System toys that Onell Design produces. So far I’ve posted several photos, numerous news items, and even a handful of reviews that aren’t quite reviews. (Gobon review, TheGodBeast Glyos Aliens, Custom Corps review, Arquem and Spirico review, Callgrim figures review, and the first review.)

Well, as much as I love the toys — and as often as I post about them — that’s nothing compared to these websites:

  • Fans of Pheyden: The original Glyos fan site, this one’s packed with photos of customs and sometimes strays from Glyos. It’s fun and worth poking at when you need a Glyos fix.
  • Glyan Stores: A mix of written fiction and a photo comic (though the photo comic is moving away), Glyan Stories isn’t updated constantly, but it is all Glyos, all the time.
  • Pappysoup: More Glyos fiction, though this time with a little more language. And something is obviously building at the site, but what it is — and when it will be revealed — is unknown at this time.

Are there any other Glyos fan sites out there that I’ve missed? Any at all? Help!

2 thoughts on “Glyos System Fan Sites

  1. Thanks for putting up the other links. So Onell moving away from Pheyden, Exellis and Sarvos now to bring out new designs or do you know if we can expect new releases of those sculpts?

  2. @clark – I think those will be released later this summer in either old colors or new colors. The Sarvos is one of my favorite designs and I hope more are released.

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