Gobon at Dawn

Gina and I went out for a walk and breakfast this morning and, because I could, I drug Gobon (review here) along with us. Here are a few shots of Gobon out enjoying nature. I couldn’t quite get the shot that I wanted to with the cactus but what I ended up getting worked pretty good.

Click to enlarge the image.
Click to enlarge the image.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

3 thoughts on “Gobon at Dawn

  1. That first pic is killer… mainly because that cactus or whatever in the background looks like a monster! All of these are great!

  2. That’s actually a robot statue in the background. I’ll go ahead and post another photo of the statue now.

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