GoBots Bubble Man Newspaper Advertisement
I reviewed the GoBots Bubble Man cheap transforming robot toy back in 2015 (posted here), so please take a peek at the review for pics and info on the toy advertised in the below 1985 ad block. Where did I find the ad? It was sitting right beside the Dinobots ad we saw yesterday in the April 3, 1985, issue of the Odessa American newspaper.

Ha! I think I missed your review of this the first time around. I remember picking one of these up as a kid, at a TG&Y that was going out of business after Walmart came to town. I seem to recall the 88 cent price tag on it, which would put it right at half price compared to this ad…I wonder if that was the closeout markdown…
Very cool to see this, and yeah, even as a kid, I was struck by the remarkable lack of articulation. (I’m pretty sure mine was black, btw…)