Happy Play-Doh Day!
Today is National Play-Doh Day (see this post at www.thriftyandchicmom.com) so what better way to celebrate than with a peek at a current Play-Doh ad campaign?

I’ve no idea how real this campaign is but this post at www.uglydoggy.com claims that this is one ad out of a campaign currently running in Singapore. If true then Singapore is way trendier than Austin.
Congrats, Hasbro, on really having some fun with Play-Doh. (If this is real and not a very, very wicked hoax. If it’s a hoax than yay, artist!)
I love finding stuff I can’t find anywhere else here. Keep up the unique content Phillip!
My pleasure. I was reading a book a few days ago that mentioned Play-Doh Day so when I saw the ads I knew I had to combine the two into one.