Hasbro’s Genius and Transformers: Rescue Bots
I obviously have not been paying enough attention to the Transformers: Rescue Bots series (Amazon.com search*) because I didn’t even know that the small sets with human characters are being released with variants. I’d been grabbing every new robot when I saw it, had picked up two of the small sets, but I had no idea that these variants were out there.
Genius! With this one move Hasbro has me now looking to grab the human packs I had skipped . . . and I’ll now start searching for the variants. Why? Because I’m a sucker and seeing these toys side-by-side made me realize just how cool of an idea this is.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Transformers: Rescue Bots toys you can read the five toy reviews I’ve posted over the last year or so. And you can expect more reviews as I start grabbing the small sets.
- Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime
- Transformers Rescue Bots Heatwave
- Transformers Rescue Bots Cody Burns & Rescue Hose
- Transformers Rescue Bots Chief Charlie Burns & Rescue Cutter
- Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder