Hasbro’s Transformers Metroplex “Commercial”

I suppose that it’s more of a YouTube product overview than a true commercial, but it’s still neat to see Hasbro sinking some marketing resources into a short video for their new Transformers Generations Metroplex*. I’ve still not seen this one in stores, but with Christmas growing closer I figure it’s only a matter of time before I start seeing stacks of these at Target and Walmart. Hopefully Hasbro has such incredible sales on this guy that they come back and produce Trypticon in the same scale. That would be far, far too neat and I realistically don’t expect it to happen.

But I can dream.

3 thoughts on “Hasbro’s Transformers Metroplex “Commercial”

  1. I was luck enough to get one in stock at my local Toys R Us (up in Canada no less) and it is worth every penny.

    The sheer scale of this thing is worth the price of admission alone, although I will say that though it’s got some heft and weight to it, it feels very cheap when it comes to the plastic material.

  2. Kinda boring commercial but the toy is awesome! Bought mine at BBTS because I didn’t want to wait/hunt at retail and the price was fantastic. My favorite comic shop also stocked it and sold out rather quickly. I too hope that they make Trypticon! I’d also love an Omega Supreme in this scale!

  3. I’d be much more likely to buy Trypticon than Metro. Here’s hoping they go all out. Also, I think the legal dept. must have been off camera, holding that dude’s family hostage to make sure he name-dropped “Transformers” enough times!

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