“Hook, Line & Sinker” Movie Maniacs 2001 Jaws Deluxe Set
Before the success of sports figures, Halo, and The Walking Dead action figures McFarlane Toys ran the popular Movie Maniacs action figure series (Amazon.com search*), producing several action figures that fans to this day love displaying. They weren’t highly-articulated toys, but the sculpts and quality of the work made them statue-like toys that look amazing even compared to many of today’s releases.

Today we get a peek at the Jaws ad from the back of a 2001 issue of the Hellspawn comic book. Awesome ad design, and just one more reason why the Movie Maniacs action figure series (Amazon.com search*) still demands respect over a decade later.
And now I’m left wondering if McFarlane Toys still advertises in comic books. Damn, this whole “I’ll buy the trade paperback!” routine sure has me separated from the majority of comic books. I should at least flip through the occasional single issue just to see what’s going on in the world of comic book advertising.
Related articles
- McFarlane Toys Alien & Predator Box Set Ad from 2002 (battlegrip.com)
- The 15 Greatest McFarlane Action Figures of All Time (io9.com)
While I do think McFarlane’s The Walking Dead figures look fantastic, the weird scale just turned me off. I really hope that someday they return to their 6-7 inch roots and put out some more great horrific toys or they decide to do more of their 1/18th scale monster playset dioramas. McFarlane, back in the day, was always a company that was interesting to watch no matter if you cared about their licenses or not.
Someday I’m going to try and complete my Movie Maniacs collection. Well, at least the first three or four sets.