Hot Wheels QR Codes
Now here’s a fun use of QR codes. Mattel is adding codes to Hot Wheels and creating a way for people to “collect” virtual cars by scanning the codes. I’ve still never used a QR code — I don’t even know if there’s a BlackBerry app that translates QR codes — but I like the idea behind this use of the codes.
I wonder if there will be a way to turn your virtual Hot Wheels toys into real toys. A promotion where you collect so many virtual cars for one online exclusive car could be a very cool way to get fans of the line involved in this new site. I know not everyone loves Hot Wheels cars, but I suspect that if this goes over well we’ll see the concept used by Mattel for other brands.

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Ohh, QR codes where last year’s xmas fun chase to look in what radius my grandmom went out shopping all the goods she served us, lol.