How Fast Did the Sectaurs Toys Die at Retail?
Thanks to the magic of newspaper ads, we know that on November 27 of 1985, the line was on sale using fairly standard practices. Then, on December 18 of that same year (scroll to page 83), that same retailer was listing the Sectaurs toys at 50% off. That is a pretty fast decline and tells me that the toys weren’t selling all that well.

I remember these being way too expensive for my parents and most of my friends’ parents. I also remember them only being around for a short time, and the Sectaurs that I did end up with I found at a garage sale in ’86. Since you’ve been posting these ads, I’ve been floored with how pricey these toys actually were. ten buck apiece for the figures is around $23 apiece in 2017 money. Woo! And I thought He-Man stuff was expensive back in the day…
Yep. I wanted all the Sectaurs toys, but they were WAY out of the price range of anything my folks would buy.
I managed to get 75% of the figure line as a kid. I wonder if it was after this time, when they were on-sale 🙂