I Cannot Buy This Transformers Soundwave Statue

Seriously, the new Imaginarium Soundwave statue that’s up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store looks incredible. 32-inches tall, the statue also includes Ravage, Laserbeak, Frenzy, and Ratbat, and the few photos released tell me that this is a gorgeous work of art and would look amazing almost anywhere it is placed.

So: Why can I not buy this towering Soundwave statue? Two very good reasons:

  1. The size. Just where would I put a 32-inch tall statue where it would be both an attractive art object and completely safe from the random attacks of kitties?
  2. $1,000 price tag! I won’t deny that it is likely worth the $1,000, but that $1,000 would go a long way toward lots of other things.

That leaves me admiring the pics online. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone at Imaginarium will decide I need a review copy of the statue? That seems unlikely, yes, but it is pretty much the only way I’ll ever own this fabulous Soundwave statue.

Pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store!