I Managed to Click “BUY!” Just in Time

Remember yesterday’s post about the Project Squadt toy? Well, I happened to time everything perfectly and got lucky enough to be one of the lucky 150 people to score one of these. (Assuming, of course, that some other soul didn’t order 149 pieces.)

Click to visit the Project Squadt site.
Click to visit the Project Squadt site.

I hope this guy is as cool as he looks. No matter what, though, he’s gotta get a turn in the review seat when he reaches me.

2 thoughts on “I Managed to Click “BUY!” Just in Time

  1. Toy Break got the first release and reviewed it and it looked pretty awesome. So I’m sure you willl like it. I missed out on the first one which I really liked. Havent been able to pick up any of them up. They just come out at inconvient money times for me. Congrats on scoring one I will be lookign forward to your review

  2. @Smack6102 — Thanks. I hope this guy shows up by the last week of September or so; I’d like to play with him before the next one drops just in case he’s so cool that I want another release in the series.

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