I Should Start a Podcast with Poe Ghostal


I’m sure all of you visit Poe Ghostal’s site regularly for his thoughts on toys, and I know you’ve visited battlegrip.com at least once (you’re here now!), but what you may not realize is Poe and I sometimes trade mail . . . which can then lead to a post or two. We don’t agree on a few things, but I respect his opinions and those disagreements are always entertaining.

One of the things I’ve thought about a few times — usually after I’m a guest on someone’s show — is that I should attempt my own podcast. I’ve got the basic tools to make it work, I know how to ramble on about all sorts of things, and it would be fun to try something new. I’m not sure how many of you even listen to podcasts, but there’s certain to be some small number of readers who would enjoy hearing a discussion about toys.

And that’s where Poe fits into the picture. A single voice on toys can get a bit dull, but two people — especially when they disagree on various details about toys and the hobby as it stands today — could be far more interesting.

I don’t have the time for this immediately, but I really should talk Poe into taking a shot at a podcast with me one day.

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7 thoughts on “I Should Start a Podcast with Poe Ghostal

    1. @Angus McF – Not sure. I need to email Poe and see if he likes the idea of at least trying it once. I’m sure we wouldn’t have a tough time finding a subject to talk about.

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