I Voted!

In Hasbro’s Marvel Poll that is. According to the site:

“This is your chance to run the table True Believers…the future of the Marvel Universe is in your hands. Cast your vote and help determine which fan favorites will have their day in the sun. The top 5 vote getters will be added to the 2010 Universe lineup so don’t miss your chance to weigh in! Voting starts on February 11th and ends on March 5th. Only one vote valid per person. The results will be announced March 16th on Hasbro.com/Marvel.”

I voted for Grim Reaper. He’s not exactly the sort of character who would usually be created, even though his costume looks awesome. (And, as is true of many comic supervillains, his costume looks as goofy as it does awesome; it’s just one of those things.)