Ideal’s Jaws Game On Sale in 1977

Toymakers confuse me at times. Kenner’s Alien giant figure and boardgame back in the seventies. A string of R-rated movies tapped for action figure lines in the eighties. What were they thinking? Well, here we get another one of the “huh?” products that showed up for sale in the toy aisles; Ideal’s Jaws boardgame as shown in the Camden, NJ, Courier-Post newspaper on September 15, 1977. Released in 1975, Jaws (see lasted in stores for more than a week? Hell, it feels like if this happened today, some petition or other would explode online and see the shelves cleared of the game almost instantly. Back when I was a kid, gang, we had boardgames about man-eating sharks . . . and we liked it!

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