Iggy Nugs Pre-Order at Lulubell Toys
I’ve not bought any of the Grody Shogun toys, but the Iggy Nugs pre-order at Lulubell is certainly tempting. I can’t say why this particular Grody Shogun design has caught my eye, but there’s clearly something to it that has had me back to the site twice to look at it. I’m sure it’s that wacky head; gotta love the three eyes!

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well, i’m sure we see the full figure somewhen of the toy the head is ‘lend’ of. just down from the head it’s all Grody Shogun (and paintjob) but the head is -sadly missing info -.
@Ralph – Now I know why this one appeals to me so much more than the other Grody Shogun toys have. So what I need to do is find out where that head is from . . .