In Dallas for BGGCon

BoardGameGeek is an awesome website if you love board and card games, and if you seriously love games then you may be in Dallas right now for the annual BGG convention. That’s where I’m at, and starting tomorrow I’ll be buried in games. The site updates will be a little slow (as always happens when I travel), but I do have some more reviews coming up and will try to spend a little time each day looking into the latest in resin toys and whatever else catches my attention.

Click to visit!

Why am I here? For work, but this time I’ll spend more time at the sales side of things than demos. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be playing plenty of games. And when I get some time to unwind I’ll be reading Conan: Newspaper Strips Volume 1* and Conan: Free Companions*. Yep, I brought comics on the trip. How could I not drag these new collections along?

4 thoughts on “In Dallas for BGGCon

  1. welcome to dallas. there is a pretty decent TRU near the convention site, it always seem we get things that you can’t find in Austin.

  2. I just went by that TRU, and they have the new DCUC/MOTUC two packs, but the DCU figures were misassembled. I was hoping to get the aquaman pack, but the orange of his shirt didn’t look that great to me, also his arms were switched and he had two right calves, while one of the hawkman figures had two right forearms.
    But the good news is that you can start looking for these things if you’re so inclined.

  3. @Clark – I’ll be sure to swing by a TRU before I leave Dallas. I didn’t expect those packs yet and I want the Mer-Man set. Shame to hear about the assembly problems; Mattel seems to have a lot of QC issues.

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