In Seattle (With The New Dead)

I made it to Seattle in decent condition; the first leg of the flight yesterday was in a terribly uncomfortable seat and about 5 minutes into the flight I was regretting not taking the first class upgrade. 3.5 hours later that flight was over and it was time to sit in an airport, where I grabbed some entertainment in the form of The New Dead*, a zombie anthology edited by Christopher Golden. Why did I buy a book when I own a perfectly good Kindle? Because I’m stupid and left the Kindle at home.

Click to visit!

Anyway, I’m in Seattle for the PAX Show, which means that today, Saturday, and Sunday will be spent playing games and chatting with gamers. I know it’s not stuff, but I’m sure to see some neat things to share with you guys and I may even get some stuff that’s worth posting over at GM Oracle. And, with luck, I’ll see a few of you guys at the show this weekend.

More from Seattle later, guys. Now I walk.