“Instant Luke, Just Add Water”
By 2001, Hasbro had dropped the “Kenner” name from their Star Wars action figures. I know, sad face here as well. The loss of “Kenner” as a brand still hurts, but probably not as much as the pain Luke Skywalker had to feel when hit by a Wampa. Scanning through Sansweets’ Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection* I cannot find another time when Hasbro has offered a Bacta Tank edition of Luke Skywalker, which makes this 2001 ad even more entertaining. Who in marketing thought that focusing on this figure would sell toys?
(And I mean that in a good way, because this ad makes me want that edition of Luke just so I can fill the tank with water and see how well the entire contraption works. By this time I was deep in office work, and my action figure collecting had basically died, so I’ve never held one of these. I want to now that I’ve seen the ad again.)

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- CC36: Vintage Kenner Star Wars by Iron-Cow Productions (actionfigurepics.com)
- New Star Wars Action Figures by Kenner (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – DoomKick Plays With Star Wars Black Action Figures (battlegrip.com)