Iron Man 2 Action Figures Are Gonna Be Awesome!

While I wasn’t a huge fan of the first Iron Man movie* (too predictable and not quite what I wanted out of an Iron Man movie), I’m now very excited about the upcoming Iron Man 2 . . . because the action figures are going to be in 3.75-inch scale.

Click to visit IMDB.
Click to visit IMDB.

This is fantastic, since it means my growing collection of 3.75-inch scale Iron Man action figures (Proto-Classic Armor, Basic Iron Man, Silver Centurion, Golden Avenger, and Stealth Ops) is about to get some awesome additions. And I’m hoping this means at least one entry on my Marvel Universe Wish List (posted here) — the Hulkbuster Iron Man — will be produced.

Click to enlarge the image.
Click to enlarge the image.

The latest issue of Toyfare (official subscriptions page here) includes a short interview with Jerry Jivoin and Josh Lamb of Hasbro in which the pair revealed a few details about the upcoming Iron Man 2 and Marvel Universe action figures. Even though it’s just a couple of pages long — too short! — there’s enough information in there to make me excited about the 2010 releases. Deep Dive Iron Man (the blue and silver suit in the photo below) is a must buy, as is the comic book Crimson Dynamo. I’m gonna need a special display case for my Iron Man suits of armor (action figures).

Click to enlarge the image.
Click to enlarge the image.

And we’re getting a vehicle for the 3.75-inch line! In the interview Josh Lamb says:

“We definitely have a great vehicle that will be coming out with the launch of the movie that kind of follows in line with some of the scenes that you’ll see in the movie.”

Fantastic news! One of the major benefits of the 3.75-inch scale is that playsets and vehicles are a lot more affordable and easier to produce, so it’s nice to hear that we’ll get something next year. Anyone have a guess as to what the vehicle’s going to be? A jet? Tank? I have no idea.

Click to visit Wired.
Click to visit Wired.

I’m not all that excited about the Iron Man 2 movie (I’m sure I’ll see it in the theater, but I don’t expect much from it), but the action figure line has me fired up. 2010 is going to be a lot of fun.

Yeah, I seriously need to find a great way to display 3.75-inch scale Iron Man action figures before the movie toys hit shelves. I’ve got an idea; now to find the time to bring my idea to life.

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.

9 thoughts on “Iron Man 2 Action Figures Are Gonna Be Awesome!

  1. I totally agree that IM2 will bring a cornucopia of new 3.75 armors. It will be sweet. Some people don’t like the movie armors, but I think they’re pretty hot. The Mk IV is still warming up on me, but the War Machine looks fantastic. Can’t wait for comic and movie figures of that guy.

    I went into IM not expecting too much from the movie and was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t bad at all. Hopefully IM2 is more a SM2 and not a SM3.

  2. I also love the Hulkbuster Armor, thus I fell Hasbro should do the figure. It’s def. in my top 10 wants from MU. Him, Rom, Howard the Duck, and a Deadpool with a Sheep Cannon.

  3. sorry for the double-post, but how awesome would the vehicle be if it were the SHIELD Helicarrier? Even downsized for something like the Star Wars BMF price range?

  4. I have yet to get any MU Iron Man figures (although the Stealth Armor has been almost purchased several times), however I am very much looking forward to the new movie line.
    My only regret is that there were some 6″ figures shown at Toy Fair that I guess will not be released, and that’s a shame because I was really looking forward to them (particularly the ice armor figure, that thing looked sweet).

  5. @ Prem1x – I haven’t seen too many Iron Man suits over the years that weren’t neat in some way. I guess I’m just a sucker for suits of power armor.

  6. Grab an Iron Monger (Cockpit version, not the crappy action feature one) while you can… that huge Monger is actually in scale with these figures! The one in the 1:18 scale line is waaaay too small. You can still pick the big ones up at some stores!!!

  7. Hey Phil, I saw at Walmart yesterday a two-pack of Iron Man and the Cockpit Iron Monger for 8 bucks. I know you probably already have the regular Iron Man, but you can’t beat that price for two figures that big. Besides, you can always use the Iron Man for a custom!

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