Iron Man Action Figures at Five Below

We don’t have Five Below stores in Austin, so whenever I’m visiting the northeast and run across one of these stores I like to stop and take a look around. And on this trip Five Below had a massive number of 3.75-inch scale Iron Man action figures for $5/each. I grabbed the Storm Surge Armor figure — a repaint of the Deep Dive Armor (review here) — but I could have very easily been tempted to buy four or five other figures.

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2 thoughts on “Iron Man Action Figures at Five Below

  1. I’d be in trouble if we had Five Below out here.

    Ugh…they even had a Hammer Drone – never saw those in the wild.

  2. Hmmm….we have a Five Below by our other office. Maybe I’ll make a visit to that location so that I can look for these on my lunch break….

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