“It’s a world transformed, where things aren’t what they seem.”
I can remember when the classic Transformers animated series was first released on DVD over a decade ago, but what I hadn’t remembered was this ad for the season one box set. From an issue of The Adventures of Superman is this full-page advertisement that should have had us all asking “why are movie characters being used to promote season one?” But all I can remember asking at the time was:
Hey, why isn’t this already in my hands?!?!

When Transformers was released on DVD it was hu-u-u-u-u-u-uge! Shows weren’t released on DVD like they are now. I had previously collected the Rhino VHS tapes which each contained two episodes of The Transformers and unfortunately most of them seemed to be from the post-movie Season 3. When Season 1 came out it was so exciting! Now they series has had several releases but I still remember the thrill of buying that first set!