It’s Amazing How New Wings Change the Design

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The original Decepticon jets were a great design, but it was always a little annoying that the three original jets all looked the same except for their colors. Well, it didn’t take long for Hasbro to step in with completely new wing designs that drastically changed the look of the three newer jets (released in 1985).
Notice how those weak Autobots need an army of new cars to stop just two new Decepticon jets. I guess the new wing designs not only made the toys look cooler but it also made them a hell of a lot tougher than the earlier jet designs.
A plethora of Autobots are introduced but only Thrust and Dirge show up for the other side? Where’s Ramjet?
Gotta go with the Autobots on this one. 6 on 2 is rough enough, but I agree with TAO that Inferno and Smokescreen would be more than a match for a couple of coneheads.