It’s Not a Madball, it’s a Bonkers! Ugly Ball

So while the Blurp Balls may be kinda Madball-like in their design (commercial posted yesterday), it still brought something a little different to the “monster ball” toy genre. You can’t really say that about the Bonkers! candy and their Ugly Ball toy.

The Bonkers! Ugly Ball is a story in copycatting, as this post at X-Entertainment clearly explains.

And if that’s not enough action in the “ball” department, then you can always run over to Weirdo Toys for a look at Sadballs, Madballs, and even this Ugly Ball. The best part about that particular article? The revelation that Justin — owner of Weirdo Toys, designed some CDs for KMFDM. Oh yeah, I love how tiny our world has become.

In honor of our bizarre connections across the internet, and because I can, let’s get some KMFDM flowing . . .

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