James Cameron’s Avatar Toys at PAX

Yesterday was the last day of the Penny Arcade Expo and it was the one day that I had some time to explore the exhibitor hall. During which time I encountered a display of the toys for the upcoming James Cameron movie, Avatar.

Here are a few photos I shot at the booth.

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The figures are roughly 4-inch/3.75-inch scale, but unfortunately they appear to be poorly-articulated figures closer to DC 3.75-inch action figures than either Marvel Universe or G.I. Joe action figures.

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Seriously, t-hip joints? What the hell, Mattel?

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The dropship toy looks awesome, though, and may be a “must buy” depending on whether or not I can fit some G.I. Joe or Star Wars action figures in the cockpit.

I’m not sure when these toys officially release, but some people were given figures during raffles throughout the day.

James Cameron’s Avatar isn’t exciting me ,like it is some people and the one thing I was interested in — the 3.75-inch scale toy line — looks like it’s gonna be a disappointment. Oh well, on with life.

4 thoughts on “James Cameron’s Avatar Toys at PAX

  1. It’s weird, I mean Mattel’s Avatar the Last Airbender toys often look good, which will be nice once the movie drops….oh, I see what’s happening.

    Well played Mattel, well played.

    Sure, conspiratorial, but those Avatar toys from Cameron’s movie look on the lower end happy meal toy level. I expect to see them, vehicles aside, in dollar stores come Spring.

  2. Call me crazy, but aren’t those hips swivel/hinges like DCUC figures? I never noticed it until your photos, but it appears they have the hinge to swing the leg out too.

    Those swivel/hinge knees and elbows always look terrible though.

  3. @TAO – “Call me crazy, but aren’t those hips swivel/hinges like DCUC figures? I never noticed it until your photos, but it appears they have the hinge to swing the leg out too.”

    I think you may be right. They look like typical t-hips at a glance but looking very, very closely reveals the hinges. So not as bad as I first though, but that style of articulation looks terrible.

  4. I think the blue guy looks great, but the lady needs some work. Why not a ball-socket for a neck? The transition from the shirt/vest to the pants needs more definition.

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