Jesse DeStasio’s “Hamburger Hurter Squad” – Gone

Wow, turn your eyes away from the internet for a second and you miss out on a new Glyos (Onell Design) custom drop by Jesse DeStasio (website, Twitter). Dubbed “Hamburger Hurter Squad,” these three custom figures came and went so fast that I didn’t know they existed until they were already gone.

Click to visit Jesse's website.

I don’t know where Jesse got his burgers, but the resulting custom toys were certainly as odd as anything else we’ve seen come out of his twisted mind. Cool custom and a tough piece for Glyos fans to secure.

3 thoughts on “Jesse DeStasio’s “Hamburger Hurter Squad” – Gone

  1. @Newt – Not sure. I’m assuming they were $20 or $25/each, but they went so fast that I missed them completely.

  2. Jesse’s been popping up on 4chan’s /toy/ board and has actually gotten a lot of good response from the often combative crew there (I assume it was Jesse– one can never tell on that site) . His ideas are just that catchy and fun that the folks there let down their guard and enjoy them. I wonder if he’s gotten any business from them… I’d love to know. /toy/ is usually a pretty bad place to market art toys, but the response Jesse has received there was pretty favorable! Go Jesse!!!

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