John Romita’s The Amazing Spider-Man: Artist’s Edition

One problem with being so busy lately is that it sometimes takes me days to get around to reading e-mail newsletters. This means that every now and then I find out about something cool after it has come and gone. That can be frustrating, but it’s just one danger of staying on top of everything I possibly can at the office.

Fortunately, the IDW newsletter from last week carried with it something I had managed to keep missing . . . but not something that was forever gone. John Romita’s The Amazing Spider-Man: Artist’s Editionofficial page at IDW — sounds like something pretty amazing and sounds to me like a fantastic reference for anyone who has ever wanted to be a comic artist.

John Romita’s The Amazing Spider-Man: Artist’s Edition collects six issues of classic Romita Spider-Man art, nearly all shot from the actual original art (there are three pages that are printed from black and white copies but every other page is from the originals) and printed at the same size it was drawn.

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The book is listed at $100 at the IDW site, but I see that Amazon has it* starting at $86.90. Regardless of where you grab one, if you’ve ever wanted to be a comic book artist I can see where getting the chance to study Romita’s original work could go a long way toward educating you.

For more of Romita’s artwork see these originals for sale at Ouch! Or don’t if there’s any chance you’ll spot an amazing work and try to spend a ton of cash on it. Though there are some cool images for sale . . .

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