“Join the Official Star Wars Fan Club”
Another classic ad from a comic, this one’s from Micronauts #26 (1981) and leaves me regretting that I never did join the “Official Star Wars Fan Club” when I was a kid. Or did I? Stupid memory. Part of me feels like I did have a membership for a year (I’m thinking it was 1982), but that may just be insanity and the fact that I had a friend with a membership so I saw his “Bantha Tracks” issues (see the Jedi Temple Archives).

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I was reading a few comics from 1978 a while back, and it’s really clear from the ads just how much of a cultural impact Star Wars made. Everything was either an ad for something Star Wars-related or it referenced Star Wars in some way. I don’t know if it’s even possible to have that kind of cultural penetration now…there’s so much going on, even a huge hit like the Avengers can’t become the cultural touchstone movies like Star Wars and E.T. were.
I think you’re right. There’s just too many different things available/happening for something to be as big and important to society as stuff was when Star Wars was new.