Kenner’s Six Million Dollar Man in “Toy Time”

Christopher Byrne’s Toy Time* is exactly what I want out of books about toys: Entertaining. It’s always great, yes, when a book offers up some facts and information I didn’t already know, but it’s most important that the book keep me entertained because this is a hobby. Toy Time* is definitely a fun read.

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As an example of what you can find in Toy Time*, I offer up this section on Kenner’s Six Million Dollar Man action figures. As you can see, the book doesn’t provide us with detailed photos and info on entire lines, but it instead offers glimpses and overviews of lines. It’s a bit shallow, but that isn’t a strike against the book since it exists to spark memories and remind us of toys we may have forgotten.

Google’s book archive has sample pages, so check that out for more of an idea of what’s inside this small and fun book.