Kenner’s Star Wars Action Figures $0.19/each

My new Star Wars newspaper ads book has some amazing prices from the seventies and eighties, but no matter how low we’ve seen old Star Wars figures priced it’s tough to top $0.19/each. Yes, two dimes for a single new Star Wars action figure in 1985. Holy hell!!!

The ad is hiding in the December 8, 1985 Reading Eagle newspaper, and I’m stuck asking: Did someone at Google edit the newspaper to confuse us? The price couldn’t have really been $0.19 for an action figure, right?

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6 thoughts on “Kenner’s Star Wars Action Figures $0.19/each

  1. I guess it’s entirely possible they were clearing out figures from the previous three lines. Were there any peg warmers back then?

    1. @Stunt Zombie – Reportedly Imperial Dignitary, Rancor Keeper, and several others from the last year(s) were everywhere. I can’t really remember what figures I saw in stores back in ’85 except the Droids line.

  2. I remember clearly around 85-86, no kid in my neighborhood wanted Star Wars figures anymore. Local stores had pegs still full of Jedi figures and they wanted to clear space for Joes and Transformers. Lowest I actually remember was 99¢. Wish I’d picked em all up for pennies and stored them away.

    1. @Pants – August of 1984 is when I switched from Star Wars to Transformers. I’ll never forget the first time I saw (and played with!) Optimus Prime.

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