Kickstarter – FlashCity Stories, a Cyberpunk Flash Fiction e-Book
With the work on Transforming Collections complete and the book in the hands of the printer it is time to shift gears and try something new. I’ve got a new Kicksarter project up — FlashCity Stories — and this one’s a bit different since it’s all about writing a smattering of flash fiction.
And backing this one is very cheap: $1 gets you thirty cyberpunk flash fiction stories written by myself and by collaborator on the project, Michael Hammes. It’s nice to have a dramatically different project from anything I’ve ever done before, and the response has completely stunned me. Thank you to everyone who has already jumped in and pledged to the project!

Related articles
- DarkFuse Launches New Flash Fiction Website (
- A Flood of Flash Fiction (
wow, how could get this past me? this looks sweet!!
I recommend giving it also a painted cover – it’s a must!
one like Curps’ CYBERPUNK from Steve Jackson Games (so, take a look in the archieves – the pink bold letters is the better cover) would do the trick.
@Ralph – If there was the budget for a painted cover that would totally happen! But a cool painting costs the bucks.
just ask, we can deal something out.
though if you totally hate my stuff, then not, haha.