Kickstarter – Interview with Marauder GR

With roughly 43 hours until the Marauder Kickstarter project closes the guys behind the project were kind enough to answer a couple of quick questions about their project. Read on if you’re interested in this project to bring more 3.75-inch scale weapons to life.

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1. If the project doesn’t meet the goal will you relaunch and try again? What, if anything, would you do differently today at the beginning of a Kickstarter project?

If the Marauder GR kickstarter event is unsuccessful, we will NOT relaunch the event This was something “new” we tried after much encouragement from some of our supporters. We enjoyed the process & preparing the proposal. So, if by chance we do not meet the goal we’ll go back to “gun-running” the “old fashioned” way…pay for it ourselves upfront and work to recoup the costs after the items are released. If the event is unsuccessful, we would of course review the entire project and look at everything we did & did not do that could have made a difference in the outcome. But we are very proud of the items offered in the kickstarter event and how we pursued a new “option” to supply the top requested items to our supporters.

2. How are your weapons created? Is everything designed in CAD, or are some of the weapons and accessories sculpted by hand?

We are fortunate to have access to some AMAZING sculptors. Each item is made into a large scale prototype “master” and then that item is “scaled” down to the desired size. We’ve experimented with some 3d mapping & CAD methods, but we just don’t see the final minute details on the finished items as you get from an actual sculpt. That could change (we are ALWAYS looking to improve), but we’re expected to deliver a certain level of quality & detail and that is always our primary concern.

3. Could you see using Kickstarter to attempt something larger and more complicated, like a vehicle?

The original kickstarter event was not just a “pre-order” for a new series of accessories, but a “test” for the entire viability of kickstarter as a funding source for several of our other projects. We have several “LARGE” projects in the planning stages (in addition to our ongoing “regular” accessory projects) and the only limiting factor has been finances. If our initial kickstarter project is a success, we’ll roll into some other kickstarter projects. If the initial kickstarter project does not reach the goal, we’ll have to prioritize all of our pending projects within our current release framework.

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