Kickstarter – Marauder 3.75-Inch Scale Weapons Has Eight Days to Go

I first mentioned this project a few weeks ago (posted here), but as of today it’s looking like the Marauder Kickstarter project is set to fail. I am by no means a Kickstarter expert, but I’ve backed several projects and have gotten a feel for how these tend to play out. And with Kicktraq predicting failure combined with the fact the project creator has posted only one update I sense doom.

Visit Kickstarter!

But this project to create new weapons for 3.75-inch scale action figures — especially G.I. Joe action figures — doesn’t have to fail. All the project organizers need to do is get out there and start talking. If I were tasked with taking over and managing this project right now I would:

  • Get the interviews rolling. Contact people. I think you’ll find that a lot of toy podcasts and blogs love to chat with designers and manufacturers and by reaching out to the community and spending time sitting in on interviews — and answering written interviews — the project can get several sites helping to promote it.
  • Update! One update in a few weeks is not at all enough. Post an update every few days and show off prototypes, link to the interviews as they go online, and talk to the project backers.
  • Focus on the toys! Shirts and hats are not action figure weapons. While there are some people who may want shirts and hats there are far more people out there who will want the weapons. Seriously, post some updates giving us awesome shots of the prototype guns. And skip any more time on anything that isn’t the weapons.
  • Thank existing backers! Never miss a chance to thank your supporters. Without their help the project wouldn’t be where it is today, and by thanking and engaging the existing backers you may just get some of them to tell their friends about your project.

And that basically covers what I would start doing right now if I were put in charge of managing this Kickstarter project. I’d love to see the Marauder Kickstarter project succeed because more guns for G.I. Joe action figures is never a bad thing. But unless the project creator really jumps in and starts working at it the weapons just won’t happen.

And do we really want our toys to go without new guns?

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2 thoughts on “Kickstarter – Marauder 3.75-Inch Scale Weapons Has Eight Days to Go

  1. I just placed an order from Marauder’s online store, and spoke with main guy running things about his kickstarter & existing stock. Really nice guy. I’ve sent him a link to this article, as this is good info. I hope the kickstarter succeeds, even if I’m not in the market myself for interchangeable scopes on my GI Joe’s guns.

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