Kickstarter – OMFG Series 4

The fourth series of October Toys’ M.U.S.C.L.E.-like OMFG toys is now up on Kickstarter and ready for your support! You can find the Kickstarter page here, and the project still has over three weeks to go before it closes so there’s time to get in and score a set or two for your collection of little guys.

Visit Kickstarter!
Visit Kickstarter!

I never thought this line would go as far as it has, so seeing series four at Kickstarter really drives the point home: crowdfunding is a great way to get ideas out into the world and make them real! It really is fan support that’s making this toyline work, and I am not starting to wonder just how big things can get as more and more people grow comfortable with Kickstarter and the concept of supporting projects.

2 thoughts on “Kickstarter – OMFG Series 4

  1. Just preordered mine Sunday night. I always look forward to the next OMFG series and this one looks to be full of winners. At this point I’m really digging the tree and the mermaid, although there doesn’t seem to be any figure that I dislike here.

    Good stuff!

  2. I’ve been on the OMFG bandwagon since the tail end of Series 1. I didn’t get the opportunity to back it but I’ve been aboard since then. I don’t go crazy with collecting different colorways, the flesh is enough for me. I love following along with this line at the OT forums and seeing early concepts and ideas turned into tangible action figures. Very exciting indeed! Plus in my relatively short time over at the OT forums (compared to some) everyone is pretty nice.

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