Kickstarter – Panda Pad, a Bamboo Notebook

For as long as I can remember I have loved paper. The promises of an empty notebook are endless, and when I was a kid I would waste hours at a time sketching, writing, and basically dreaming with a pen and a notebook. And now I see that the Panda Pad project on Kickstarter offers a way to constantly swap out inexpensive notebooks inside what looks to be a beautiful outer skin. I do not think I’ll end up backing this project — I need to think about it a bit longer and decide if I would really use it or not — but I like what I see enough to try and help them spread the word about their project. Click through and take a look at the pics and the video.

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The Panda Pad is a beautiful notebook, laser engraved and hand crafted in bamboo. Our vision is for a product designed for true sustainability, for a product that wholly embraces principles of cradle to cradle design and manufacturing.We are very close, but we need your help to make it a reality.