Kickstarter – Rise of the Beasts Update
The cancelled Rise of the Beasts project had a new update yesterday, and you can head over to Kickstarter for photos and information on what’s happening with the toys. The latest update shows two figures — and 80mm lion and a 60mm rhino — and gives us an idea of what’s next for the line.
The question is, though, will the new Takara Beast Saga and Diamond Select Toys Battle Beasts toy launches have a negative impact on the potential for the Rise of the Beasts line’s success? I think the Rise of the Beasts toys are going to need a bit more excitement packed in to really get them noticed now that two Battle Beasts lines are out there. Maybe insane colors?

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Yeah, I feel kind of bad for the guys. Well, not that bad, but I do like seeing independent toys succeed. I wonder if they’re into it too deep to pull out and focus on another concept at this point…
@Smurfwreck – I suspect that another public stumble, such as dumping the concept entirely, would be a bigger PR mess than just trying to get a few toys on the market. If these had happened on the original schedule they may have done okay, but I just can’t help but feel that releasing after Battle Beasts and Beast Saga will harm the line’s profitability and potential.
The gold lion looks like a bad capsule toy. I really hope for them that they do end up getting this right.
I wish they would have bent the arms more. I’m all about that bent knee pose, but the straight arms make it a bit awkward.
Youtube “David Maus” of Maus Toyota and see what they remind me of.
what about: maybe insane sculpts?
Kidding aside, as funny as the bobble Lion head looks, i think it fits the awkward legs. i would like having one of those.