Kickstarter – Shadowrun Returns!
It’s bad enough that Elder Sign: Omens (mentioned here) has me thinking about an iPad*, but now there’s a Shadowrun Kickstarter project that sounds so damned awesome that it alone could make me buy an iPad . . . just for the chance to play the game and even create my own adventures.

UPDATE: And just since I signed on as a backer they’ve added another (almost) $200,000 to the current funding level. Looks like this one’s going to succeed, which is just fine with me.
Shadowrun ( search*) is a tabletop roleplaying game where magic and cyberpunk fuse together into a hell of a lot of fun. Published back in 1989, I was playing Shadowrun first edition almost out of the gate, and since its release there have been tons of games and novels . . . and lots of fun. Take a look at Wikipedia for lots of random info on the game.
And now it’s being translated to computers . . . and as a two-dimensional tabletop-like roleplaying game. See the Kickstarter page for all of the info, and then jump in and help make this happen. If I do find myself buying an iPad then I’ll have to steal some vacation time to play the game and to give their level editor a shot.
Jordan Weisman, the creator of Shadowrun, is back and Shadowrun Returns (for Apple & Android tablets and PCs) is the game that Shadowrun fans have been waiting for a long time. A graphically rich 2D turn-based single player game with deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat, Shadowrun Returns is not only going to make some old geeks (like us) very happy but it will introduce new players to a dynamic gaming universe that is beloved around the world.
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