Kickstarter – Skeleton Warriors Closes in 36 Hours!

Action figure fans, we are down to the final 36 hours of the Skeleton Warriors Kickstarter project and it’s time for everyone to jump in and order a skeleton or two for their collections. Kicktraq is estimating that the project will close just below its goal, so now’s the time to support this if you’re at all interested in little skeleton action figures.

Fingers crossed that this closes successfully! Back it now!

Skeleton Warriors Glyos Compatible Action Figures -- Kicktraq Mini

1 thought on “Kickstarter – Skeleton Warriors Closes in 36 Hours!

  1. Yay! They passed the $45,000.

    Interesting how this seemed to have trouble while Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. easily hit their goal and keep climbing with plenty of time left.

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